Ludovic Salenne tests 800 new CHATGPT Plugins (and selects the best for you)

This video presents the best plugins among the 800 new plugins recently released on Chat GPT.

The author Ludo Salenne tested and selected five of them, including a plugin for creating documents, a plugin for rewriting content, a plugin for checking information, a plugin for finding suitable plugins depending on the task, and a plugin for generating QR codes.

#### Highlights
– 📄 Doc Maker plugin allows you to create different types of documents with Chat GPT.
– ✍️ The Content Rewriter plugin allows you to rewrite content from a URL.
– 📊 The Factiver plugin verifies the information provided by Chat GPT using reliable sources.
– 🛠️ Task Oracle and Chat Toolfer tools help to find the right plugins for a specific task.
– 📱 The Create QR Code plugin allows you to generate QR codes from a URL.

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