From: 10,00  / month

WordPress Hosting


What is Web4Live hosting?

Web4Live WordPress hosting is a service designed specifically for sites using WordPress, offering optimal performance and enhanced security.

Unlike traditional web hosting, it uses a dedicated infrastructure which ensures increased speed and reliability.

This service is particularly beneficial for users of themes like Divi, with daily backup options, Cloudflare DNS SSL integration, and personalized support plans, ensuring flexibility and support to suit every need.

What are the advantages of choosing your WordPress hosting from Web 4 Live?

Opting for our WordPress hosting service has several significant advantages. Unlike shared hosting, which can be limited in terms of resources and customization, our solution is based on a dedicated and managed server.

This means you benefit from a dedicated infrastructure for your site, offering better performance, enhanced security and increased flexibility to install full features and use the latest generation WordPress themes.

In addition, our WordPress hosting service allows you to adapt the power of your server according to your specific needs, which guarantees optimal performance at all times.

By choosing our hosting, you are investing in the quality of service and reliability needed to support the growth of your website and deliver an exceptional experience to your users.

What options are available for web hosting and are they required?

Web4Live offers various options for customizing your WordPress hosting, but they are not mandatory. Here is a summary of the options available and their monthly costs:

  • Backup Backup 24/7: +€2.00
  • Domain Name: +€2.50
  • Cloudflare DNS SSL + 1 Gmail Connected: +€5.00

Monthly Support Options:

  • No support
  • Standard Assistance (by Email) 72 hour delay: +€5.00
  • Premium Support (WhatsApp + Mail) 24/48 hours: +€35.00

These options allow you to adapt the service according to your needs and your budget.

Quelle est la différence entre vos différentes offres d'hébergement WordPress ?

Chaque offre propose un niveau de performance et de fonctionnalités adapté à différents besoins, que vous soyez un débutant ou une grande entreprise. Vous pouvez choisir une version avec plus ou moins de ressources en fonction de la taille de votre site et du trafic attendu.

Additional information

Sélection de votre Offre

HOST START / 2 Wordpress, HOST PRO / 5 Wordpress, HOST CORP / 10 Wordpress, HOST ULTRA / 30 Wordpress
